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Box set in 2 volumes

“L'Entreprenant Monsieur Mégevet” recounted the thrilling beginnings of the automobile in Switzerland. With “Le Siècle des Dufaux”, it is not a single adventure, but a true saga which is narrated with its singular figures. Henri Dufaux, mechanic, pioneer of Motosacoche and aviation, successful industrialist, then renowned painter, explorer, filmmaker, creator of a muscle-powered ornithopter, got married at 99! Charles and Frédéric Dufaux, with their powerful racing automobiles and Armand Dufaux, visionary engineer, who juggled between Motosacoche and aviation and invented shock absorbers, are all precursors of modern times.

“Le Siècle des Dufaux”, illustrated by a formidable mass of unpublished documents, turns out to be improbable, enormous, picaresque, littered with unexpected things, peppered with polychrome amazement.

A work in two volumes with a total of nearly 700 pages abundantly embellished by more than 850 illustrations. Two books measuring 24x32cm bound in their protective box. Weight: approx. 6 kg

Book Release: 2025

“Le Siècle des Dufaux” will be published in two editions, one in French and one in German, with the support of the Verkehrhaus/Swiss Transport Museum.

Deux Couvertures Dufaux.jpg

Pre-order your two-volume box set now using the form!

Price : CHF 320.-  the box

Your pre-order will be validated after payment in full to the foundation's account :

Banque Cantonale de Genève BCGE

IBAN: CH16 0078 8000 0506 8643 1

Clearing No.: 788


Mais-Je-Vais-Piquer 1909

Chemin Armand-Dufaux 71

CH-1245 Collonge-Bellerive

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« Le Siècle des Dufaux»

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